Fantastic exam results all round!

Exam results

Turning Pointe is celebrating as both the RAD Ballet and ISTD Tap and Modern exam sessions held in December have yielded excellent exam results, with every student achieving a Merit or Distinction. Achievements include Katy Mills who achieved Distinction for Intermediate Foundation Ballet, Libby Mills who achieved Distinction for Intermediate Ballet, and Molly Walker who achieved a fantastic score of 94 (Distinction) in her Grade 6 Modern exam. Particular congratulations to Martha Gardner and Abigail Lambert who both took exams in all three dance disciplines. Abigail achieved Distinction for both Grade 6 Modern and Grade 5 Tap, and a Merit for Intermediate Ballet. Martha achieved the school's highest ever result of 96 (Distinction) in Grade 6 Modern, 93 (Distinction) for Grade 5 Tap, and a Distinction for Intermediate Foundation Ballet.

Congratulations to all of the students on their exam results, we are very proud of you all!

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